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HomeEventsAugust Lunch and Learn: Starting and Building a Podcast

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August Lunch and Learn: Starting and Building a Podcast

August Lunch and Learn

August 28, 2024
11:30am - 1:00 pm PST

Starting and Building a Podcast

CCEUs: 1.5 in Resource Development

Have you considered starting your own podcast? I’m not saying you "should," but if you’d like to learn how one person started one, and why, then this session is for you! A podcast can be a powerful tool for your coaching practice; and you get to create the rules.


There are many rules and "how to" resources out there. In this session, we will start with the basics. That means getting clear on your Podcast What and Why. Come prepared to answer some important questions before we get into some of the nuts and bolts of production. 


This interactive session will incorporate a mix of instruction and Q&A. Bring your list of questions with you and be prepared to explore possibilities for yourself and your business. 


Podcasting used to be reserved for the adventurous, but now it is another means of expression and communication. Whether you want to post weekly, monthly or "moodly," this session is for you!


Oh… before you come, be sure to check out the Off the Comma Podcast

Paul-Briley-podcast-175x177.jpgAbout Paul Briley, ACC

Paul leverages his 25+ years of experience in learning, leadership, consulting and coaching to help you bring your vision to life. His career was built on consultative thought leadership focused on creating impact on people, culture and results. 


Throughout his career, Paul has helped people get moving. He’s known for helping people assess their current state, define goals and outcomes, then build plans and move to action. Whether consulting or coaching, his consultative approach helps you build customized solutions based on your unique needs and experiences.


Paul has worked for large, multi-unit organizations, as well as consulting with business leaders and stakeholders within their own organizations. His experience on the front lines of organizations provides a unique perspective and ability to see challenges and solutions from the customer's point of view. Paul now helps people get off the comma™ through his consulting, coaching and organizing practices. He also has over 10 years experience in volunteer board membership & leadership. 


Paul builds relationships based on a sense of purpose, action-orientation and having fun in the process. Paul holds a Master's in Business Administration, is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified coach (ACC), and a Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD). He loves heights, travel, animals, physical activity and is stretching himself this year by saying “yes” to things that scare the heck out of him. 


Learn more about Paul: linktree 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Jeff Heiser
Lunch & Learn
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
No Fee
ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America